Saturday, April 29, 2023

{April: Part Two}


Sweet friends & celebrations sums up the end of April pretty well.  My best friend came to town from the opposite side of the continental US with two of her daughters for four lovely days that went by much too quickly.  Some of our girls were meeting face to face for the first time and immediately hit it off and were besties, too.  We celebrated 5 years with our Dubble Bubble and Bubb'as 19th.  We wrapped up the new chicken coop & Bear's baseball season...and our formal school year {although our morning time and some math continue year round}.  It was a good month! 

This one gets me laughing often.  She loves dressing up and decided to find the old red wig to complete the Little Mermaid outfit.  Too funny! 

We enjoyed jam packed days and then sweet slow moments with our friends...God gave us the most beautiful weather and we took advantage of one by going to the zoo.  

These baby girls had the absolute best time together.  A friendship sure to last for many years to come.

Malynda sent me some photos she found on her phone when she got back to Washington...look at these dolls together! 

AJ wanted me to take a picture with her friend "Shelly" the shell.  

Our friends arrived just in time for Gotcha Day cake! 5 years with the absolute best surprise baby girl ever! She is JOY! 

A full island makes my heart happy.  It was so much fun to feed and feast together.

More zoo photos...

My bestie isn't a fan of the birds either but she is a much better sport than me.  I refuse to even hold the nectar cup.  

Getting braver each time we go! 

They enjoyed feeding the giraffes, riding the train, and carousel also. 

We took a 2 1/2 mile hike at Dreher Island before they had to head back to the airport.  We saw lots of turtles, a woodpecker, mallard ducks and thankfully no snakes! 

Pres loved having snuggles with our old Bo.  

Mostly we sat on the back porch which is screened in to avoid the bugs.  But, for our last lunch together, these two took to the front porch together.  Sweet!  I think Pres was missing her big brothers. 

A sweet treat before drums! 

This one has grown so much this year physically but also emotionally and spiritually.  I am so proud of how he is trying more and more every day to glorify God and let Him really lead.  

Our afternoons have been pretty consistent with popcorn and cuddles.  Just a little down time before the evening activities kick in. 

Still feeding those babies by hand! 

Even Dad needs some chicken therapy from time to time. 

I've now learned that Aunt Bea is a polish not truly a silkie.  Either way, she's pretty fun!  Very calm and tolerant of the constant snuggles! 

It's almost time to swim!  The pool has salt and it's getting warmer by the day. 

Baseball is about over for this kid!  He's had the BEST season with PAC {our local homeschool team}.  There are just some of the nicest people on that team that we have all enjoyed getting to know better this season.  It was also fun to watch Scott coach as he is so incredibly good at it and the kids just love him! 

Meanwhile, Barbies and other little figurines keep these two occupied.  They learned a long time ago how to pass the time.  

And Bear catching! 

We had an issue with Beamer, our alpha rooster, so he is a goner.  He was getting more and more aggressive to the point that we have had to use a stick anywhere around the other girls.  As the kids were playing in the field, Beamer saw Luke turn his back to him and immediately took off towards Luke to spur him from probably 20 yards away.  It was so scary.  Luke thankfully saw him in time and jumped straight up over him.  We've tried the thing where you hang them by the feet and humiliate them in front of the hens to re-establish the pecking order with us at the top but it only worked for a day with him.  Sorry, had to go!  We can't have a mean rooster when we've got another one that will do the job without attacking us.  

This one is always in my face...and apparently wants to learn about Jesus, too! Actually, he probably just wants attention! 

The final nesting boxes are done!  

Boss met Rose {our neighbors super fast little squirrel hunting dog} and she wore him out.  It was the first time I'd ever come back home to find him sitting down.  

Bear got a lesson in how to clean an RV and has plans for a business in the future!

And he got a new .410 shotgun...well, new to him!  He did some work for Mr. Ernie and got paid with a gun.  Talk about this boy's love language!  He is still learning how to value and save money but guns and knives are his favorite.  He will keep this forever! 

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