Saturday, April 15, 2023

{April: Part One}

 The first half of April involved a special Resurrection Sunday, wrapping up school, a little getaway for Mom & Dad and more chickens, of course! 

Bo has always made us laugh with his golf cart manners.  He is a hog! We don't know much about the family that had him first {we adopted him at 6 years old and he is 12 now} but he clearly had some time on a golf cart.  He owns it! 

The girls got cookies to paint from the Easter party at church the night before.  

More working on the coop.  The roof came from an old chicken factory that they were taking apart.  Love an old metal roof! 

Tiny supervisors...

By the end of the day, I had a gallon on white primer paint and a brush...and two little helpers.  The darling little screen door came off someone's house that they just bought and didn't like.  It was a steal! 

The kids would stay at church all day...especially the girls...Bear helped AJ out! 

LOVE this Holy Week family activity that was passed out to all attending the Easter party.  Each card has a devotion on the back with scripture and a prayer. 

Favorite midweek treat! 

Aunt Bea is getting bigger!  Poor thing, the girls always grab her first. 

While Luke and Mr. Ernie were working on the coop and stapling up chicken wire, the girls played house with their stuffed animals.  

Bear gave us a little fashion show of his new Easter outfit and shoes.  He is such a silly guy. These poses cracked us up! 

Resurrection Sunday!!!  Baskets are always right after we read John Chapter 20. 

High time we return to our old tradition of photos by the Cross.  I just adore how vibrant and colorful it is! A reminder that the cross doesn't hold a dead king but a Risen Savior.

As we were about to leave, Katie and Emily walked out.  I had to snap a quick photo of them with AG.  I have one like this from 9 years ago!!!

We got the other sisters in there too.

While we were getting going with lunch after church, I had some bunny masks with stickers for the kids to enjoy.  Clearly, Bear took this seriously.  

Photo with Grandaddy and Mimi before the notorious Egg Hunt...MONEY is on the line! 

Bubba was home for the day and it was so fun!

Ya know, sometimes we just need to get away.  Can you find Panda???

Back to normal shenanigans...chickens on 4-wheelers.  Poor Fluffy! 

The guys got the back of the coop put on.  It is old barn doors that were ripped off a building getting demo-ed. We had other pieces too that they were able to take apart and use to build nesting boxes and roosting bars. 

This dog is meant for the outside.  One mud puddle on 10 acres and he is in it! 

We took advantage of a lovely day and headed to the zoo.  AG in her favorite place! 

If I ever wonder where she went, I just look outside and to the left...she's usually watching her birds. 

Jayne came to hang out for a while and AJ loved it!  We went to Publix for cookies and ice cream and then home to play. 

These three were so cute together! 

I spotted a little opossum walking around the shed {we ended up finding three after a few days} so Mr. Ernie came and got it.  It was tiny.  They were taken to the wildlife rescue for rehab until they are big enough to go back out on their own. We figured they must have fallen off their mama's back. 

Only a couple games left and this girl could care less about baseball.  She's just here for the snacks! 

Bear making plays. 

Love this little angel. 

A friend had a conflict in her schedule and sold us her tickets to see Ben Rector at The Peace Center in Greenville.  It was sold out and phenomenal.  It was an all acoustic show.  Very lovely evening with my Beloved!  We enjoyed a Persian meal al fresco on Main St and then walked to the venue.  We came home to save money after the show as The Lord has really done some work in our lives regarding debt.  It's so incredible how God works...we are back in a Bible-teaching church that holds high standards in accountability and obedient faith and our hearts are changing once again.  He is truly so kind and His sovereign plan can not be thwarted regardless of the situation.  It may be messy and not look like what we expected but God is working and we trust Him for the outcome.  

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