Tuesday, July 02, 2024

{Our Little Egg Dealers}

 The girls have worked hard and are so excited to finally offer eggs for sale in our little front porch egg refrigerator!  

Saturday, May 04, 2024

{Easing into Summer}

Slower rhythms and sweet mornings...saying yes to things that matter and making space for people that mean the most.  This is our summer.  

And...snakes.  Because it's summer!  Just one so far and we are thankful to have found it before it got to the chickens!  Bear hauled it off way down the dirt roads.  

The hens are in high production with warmer days and longer sunshine hours. 

Lots of little helpers! 

Golf for the guys...

the never ending cicada song...at least we don't have it hear it for 13 more years! 

Teaching tiny baby chicks where they will grow up and lay eggs...

and things coming back to life...with pink petals...

endless hours out of doors...

and placing in the top 3 in a sport you've never competed in! 

Math when we get to it...at least a couple times a week...and we are officially easing into summer.

Thursday, May 02, 2024

{Field Day}

Girls are ready for tug-o-war!  Bear was the caboose for their team. 

We just wrapped up our last day with our co-op for Field Day!  The kids all had condensed classes and then moms met them at the fields a couple hours later for fun on the fields. This group has been the sweetest blessing this year! 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

{Closing Out the Baseball Season}

On our way to cheer for Bear's & Dad's last baseball game of the season!

Some sweet friends from church came to watch, too.  

The Panthers won another one!  My man works relentlessly long days and carved out time to make this happen because he loves so much and wanted to have this time with Bear.  I know it took so much out of him but those boys are truly blessed that he spent the season teaching them the game and even more about growing into Godly young men. 

Running the flag in for the last time of 2024. 

Pappy made it to the game, too.  Grandaddy and Mimi did as well but they had already loaded up to leave before I was able to get a photo. 

Bear with the Norman's...Karrie and Matt were his Sunday School teachers last year and are just incredible supporters of the kids they pour into.  Their precious girls came too! 

Monday, April 29, 2024

{Bubba is TWENTY!}

Nothing says let's celebrate with a bunch of boys like bacon wrapped filet mignon!

Bubba requested that we have a steak dinner at home with some of his friends for his birthday.  Brownies for dessert and time just being together.  It really was perfect. 

The girls enjoyed getting everything set up for the party.  They are the best helpers. 

I cannot even believe that my first baby is 20! 

He has some of the best friends and they were all able to come over from college for the afternoon/evening.  They played a little game of wiffle ball in the yard and Bear had so much fun with them, too.  

It was pretty warm so AJ had a fan nearby.  Of course! 

Bubba was determined to make the catch...even if that meant that he had to do so in the pool! 
We didn't get a family photo because we were all so busy being together making memories and putting our phones away.  What a tremendous blessing to have the gift of being together...as we inch further and further into the adult kid stage, we are learning more and more how truly special moments like these are.  We love you, Bub and we are expectant for all God will do in and through your life.  Thank you for making me a mama twenty years ago- through it all, I am forever thankful He gave me you! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

{Golf, Goodies & Goobers}

I know May can be crazy for a lot of folks but it seems like April is always our crazy month! 

Panda had a little bug for a couple days that led to lots of naps but she bounced back quickly. 

Bubba played in a golf tournament for Aunt Jenn's insurance company.  They won the entire thing!  I guess that's what happens with you invite two of your college golf teammates and your coach who is an amateur professional player. 

Goodies for the best teachers at Grounded co-op this year.  

Bear is getting into golf more and more. 

Panda with her Barney boy! 

Aunt Bea is getting the babies to roost!  

Coffee after the morning walk in my favorite place on earth! Well...aside from the beach! 

Panda and Dummy {affectionately named after he earned it!}

Girlfriend is getting the last drop! 

Sweet old Bo Bo

And this goober!  She is always always found in the silliest positions...one leg in the air or upside down is about right for her! 

Or doing my hair!  Love this silly little girl!