Around 4, Grandaddy, Mimi, Aunt JC, JJ and Jayne came over. We did some snacking and some playing and some present opening.
Sweet girls!

Grandaddy and Mimi with the grands

Afterwards, we got back to our games and wrapped that up with some new ones that surprised the kids...

The Oreo Challenge had each kid rolling a cookie into a cup without their knowing what was in the cup and then having to eat it. Last man standing got their pick of gift cards.

AJ struggled with the rolling part but she got the hang of it.

AG was not a fan of it but refused to give up.

Bubba kept landing in the mustard. And it was eventually just too much.

And Bear got about all of them but his favorite was the chocolate milk.

Last game we played was head, shoulders, knees, gift! I kept them squatting for a while and whoever got the gift first when I called it won! We went several rounds on this one.

Then, Bubba headed back to his apartment since he had to work the next morning. These goodbyes are never easy for any of us. We cherish the moments we have and can't wait to be together again. It was such a sweet, sweet Christmas. God is so very kind.

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