Friday, December 20, 2019

{Unicorn Princesses}

The girls received the sweetest surprise package in the mail today!  Miss Suzie, who Andie-Grace now knows is only 2 planes away, seems to have gathered everything adorable & unicorn item in all of Michigan for these two silly girls.  My girls regularly talk about their sister in Heaven...and, today Lindsay was a part of that sweet, sweet conversation.  Only a mother's heart knows the longing of purchasing all things pink and sparkly when your own darling princess is dancing the Streets of Gold.  What a treasure this lifelong friendship is to both me...and my three daughters...and, it was no coincidence that all of my girls little heads were in a row when I went to edit one of these...

The gift of heart mamas is truly one of the greatest blessings in my life.  Women who have carried babies born with broken hearts...walked the halls of the hospital unsure of the future...sat fervently in prayer at their babies' bedside post open heart surgery...and somehow taken the next step into the unimaginable grief we were never get over...but only, by the grace of God, journey through until Glory.

When God's goodness doesn't look the way you thought it would...when you've begged God for earthly healing and He offers Eternal healing...when death always, always ushers in life...Three sisters bound together forever by that precious Babe in the manger we anxiously await...Come, Lord Jesus...

...and the most beautiful angel for me...

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