I know May can be crazy for a lot of folks but it seems like April is always our crazy month!
Panda had a little bug for a couple days that led to lots of naps but she bounced back quickly.

Bubba played in a golf tournament for Aunt Jenn's insurance company. They won the entire thing! I guess that's what happens with you invite two of your college golf teammates and your coach who is an amateur professional player.

Goodies for the best teachers at Grounded co-op this year.

Bear is getting into golf more and more.

Panda with her Barney boy!

Aunt Bea is getting the babies to roost!

Coffee after the morning walk in my favorite place on earth! Well...aside from the beach!
Panda and Dummy {affectionately named after he earned it!}

Girlfriend is getting the last drop!

Sweet old Bo Bo

And this goober! She is always always found in the silliest positions...one leg in the air or upside down is about right for her!

Or doing my hair! Love this silly little girl!
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