Tuesday, July 25, 2023

{Seabrook: Day Four}


  Tuesday found us having a low key Girls Day...for the most part!  Scott took Luke and Maddox to the Barrier Island Camp's class on herpetology and orienteering for the first part of the day and then he went golfing with Wyatt for the afternoon.  I did some fun work photographing the island for a good part of the day {with my big camera} and beaching it across the street.  Girls have their hairstyles on and are ready per usual!  They live for this! 

Bear hung out with us for a bit in the afternoon and fished.  Of course!  

After golf and dinner, we were back for sunset! And it did not disappoint!  The weather was just perfect and we had one beautiful day after another. 

I haven't gotten to editing these yet but Scott took this one of Wyatt playing the Ocean Course...so pretty!  

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