Friday, June 30, 2023

{June: Part Two}

 June was absolutely lovely!  Our precious Panda was baptized, we had lots of fun at home hosting family and friends. It's finally starting to feel more like summer...thankfully the weather has decided to warm up as well! 

June 2023 marks the month that Bear got to drive both a boat and a truck for the first time.  He loved it! 

Our sweet Andie-Grace was baptized by Grandaddy on June 25th and we had a brunch at our home afterwards for family to celebrate. 

Aunt Laura brought me beautiful flowers for our family cookout.  They are moth orchids and so pretty! 

Most of the grands on the Butcher side.  A few of the older kids were absent but this was as close as to all that we've had in a while. 

For Father's Day, we got Grandaddy an eye massager.  We all got a good kick out of it! 

We celebrated Scott for Father's Day with yummy food and family time.  He is easy to honor.  What a blessing he is to our crew! 

Bear headed off to Camp McCall for a week for the first time ever going to camp.  He loved it!  The weather was just a mess and it rained nearly every day but that did not stop a bunch of boys from kayaking in the lake in the mountains, hiking 6 miles, playing endless outdoor games, going down 100 ft water slide and learning more about Jesus.  We sure did miss him but are so thankful for this new brotherhood he has found at McCall.  

The rainy week made way for lots of snuggles and indoor work.  I got some school planning done and began working at home doing some freelancing. 

McCall was excellent at posting photos from each day and we got glimpses of Luke were such a gift since there was no communication with him.  I love that they do not allow phones but it was hard not to get to hear from him.  We did send bunk notes daily to him though and he really enjoyed receiving those. 

More indoor fun...gotta get creative when it rains for a week!  Painting toilet paper rolls and turning them into octopuses were a hit.  

Scott's sister, Aunt Jenn, blessed the girls with TONS of clothes Aly had outgrown.  Pajamas and dresses and leggings and tops galore.  The girls have new wardrobes! 

Scott's co-worker has been sharing his harvest with us so we've enjoyed that. 

Time to go pick up Bear!  We took the girls for the ride up to the mountains and had fun welcoming him back. 

And he was exhausted! 

With his celiac diagnosis, I made every meal for him for the week to take and all snacks as well.  It was quite an undertaking and I was really impressed that they actually sent all the containers home.  I was expecting them to all get trashed but now we have them for BeachBlast too! 

I do not understand how she sits like this but it's adorable. 

Every morning.  
He follows The Father as he fathers our own and leads our family.  
Usually I'm still asleep but I was able to catch this one weekend morning.  
God honors this time.

Our garden has had a few of these cute pests lately.  They are tobacco hornworms.  And they were immediately plucked off and given to the chickens to enjoy for a snack! 

I let AG choose which towel she wanted to take for her baptism and she chose this one.  
It was given to her at my baby shower for her just a week before we flew to the other side of the world to get her and bring her home by Teresa and Amanda Hayes (now Davis).  Amanda was our boys babysitter and Teresa is the absolute gem that is her mama.  I had to text them both to share how God had used this 9 year old monogrammed towel that they just thought they were getting her to match a cute swimsuit- to now being used to wrap her up after her baptism.  God is in the details and nothing is wasted! 

AG and her favorite Mrs. Sarah! 

AG and Pastor Ryan

Aunt Laura, Jed and AG

Nana, Alex and AG

Pappy, Nana and AG

Grandaddy, Mimi and AG

With our big girl!

AG with her Bubba

Luke had an orthodontic consult and the girls went along, too!  Aunt Laura works at the office and gave the girls some things to draw.  I love watching their creativity! 

I think Bear misses Camp McCall and their outdoor games a little too much!  I walked outside to this massive slip and slide he made.  The girls and he enjoyed it for a bit and then we had to get it up before all the grass died! ha! 

Mr. Boss loves the mud and we are constantly having to bathe him so Bear got him a little pool to help with the dirt.  He loves it!!! 

Cuddles with the baby

More garden treats...and a step into my childhood memories of snapping bean with my Grandma Cole.  The kids enjoyed it! 

These are the moments...

Finally...I did take my good camera outside on one of the days it wasn't raining and captured a few of the baby chickens taking their first steps into free ranging. They now stay out every afternoon and are enjoying the new found freedom.  Hopefully, they will be laying very soon! 

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