Snapshots of life and living the best we can in a season that is so very bittersweet. Focusing on health in so many ways. My dear friend who knows I'm terrible at remembering my supplements and thyroid meds that I have to take multiple times a day sent me a few links to pill organizers and I think this past week was the first time ever that I've actually taken everything I am supposed to. I'm embracing the grandma lifestyle a little bit but these are still much more stylish than the giant things I would help my Grandma Lottie organize her medication in. Those things were huge!
Now that I've got a better system to rely on than the unending timers on my phone, I can actually see if these things help!
We came home to find a birthday balloon in our front field. Seeing as how it was birthday week for our Annabelle and we've sent hundreds of balloons to her through the years, we knew this wasn't a coincidence. God knows our battles and He is fighting them for us. And he's pretty funny sometimes, too! He knew this would make us smile.

Built in best friends! These girls love quizzing each other with their spelling words.

A little science lesson mid-week and puppy dog snuggles. I do not know how kids sit in chairs all day. This kid lays on the floor, sits on a therapy ball, stands up and still has to take a couple breaks to play drums. I'm so thankful that we can have this lifestyle for him to be himself and not have to conform to the what the world expects. By the way, his drawings of the constellations in the winter night sky were very impressive!

I asked the girls to keep an eye on Boss while he spent some time outside and they got tired. Little sneaky things came in and grabbed their old iPad and I found them like this. Yes, they are darling and yes it was during their typical screen time but they still got in trouble. We are implementing more structure around screens as we've seen the detriment they can's a hard addiction to break. Our goal is phones always on the chargers and iPads only for school work...World Watch News, Luke's math and the girl's phonics app. Other than that, they get some time FaceTiming with friends with a timer set.

Oh my gracious! This dog drives me nuts! He loves the mud and it's been raining nonstop so everything is muddy. We are researching an invisible fence for him. It's really a shame that he can't be outside more since he loves it so much and we have so much land he can explore. Bo has spoiled us but I have a feeling this is more typical dog behavior. Sweet old Bo doesn't even like to get his feet wet! Polar opposites!

My beloved continues to bless me each morning. Fresh ground coffee beans and love notes. Sometimes it's scripture and sometimes it's lines from one of my favorite movies. He knows the way to my heart!

We finished our Tuttle Twin series and loved it! We will probably read through all of them again! Highly recommended!

Caring for ourselves physically is also a huge piece of the puzzle. While we all workout and exercise regularly, Mom has especially enjoyed her time in this little hot box! Perfect place to pray and journal.

Our Friday morning is a little more gentle as we ease into the weekend. We have hymn study and history...and, it just so happened, that this month's hymn was my favorite "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". We read about the author, Robert Robinson, and his testimony. Then, I shared how the Lord gave me this hymn the day Annabelle went to Heaven and how the words are my daily prayer to God. The girls did some copywork in print and Luke in cursive. We all really enjoyed listening to different versions on the song, too.

The girls always are up for playing beauty shop. Today their client was Bear! He is such a good sport with them.
Saturday came and Annabelle's 15th birthday. With one at college, one with baseball practice {of which his daddy coaches}, and the girls and I home, I spent the morning walking and sweating. My dear friend, Malynda, sent me the sweetest and most thoughtful birthday package with a gorgeous throw, porcelain heart spoon and this beautiful journal. The timing was perfect and I began using it as I wept and rejoiced over the memory of our first girl.

The girls and I headed to the store to grab a few things for a special dinner and dessert. They couldn't decide who should carry the basket so they did this the entire time. Cuties!

We had a low country dinner of shrimp & grits and then cupcakes for dessert.

A few touches to make the place settings extra special for our Belle...

And a sweet low-key evening home together. Bubba came home to join us for dinner which was so special. As each season changes, I know the way we celebrate her will too. But, knowing that we could at least have this time together meant the world.

The boys will always be like this. Bubba made sure to block Bear's attempt to blow out the candle because he knows Bear will go for it before it's time. Brothers.

We head into the hardest and busiest season of the year for us next. Baseball is about to ramp up big time and I have a special trip planned with a special friend soon. This is the time of year that I always think "if I can just make it to April..." Focusing on what really matters...caring for our bodies and souls, making efforts towards restoration in our family, leaning into intentional community and finding our place again. Little daily efforts that produce massive, life-changing results. Here we go!
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