Not to take up much space but I did have another annual mammogram screening with negative results! So grateful for every time I step into a screening and walk out with a clean bill of health. Battling autoimmune disease {Hashimoto's and Celiac} has taught me even more how thankful I am for good days of health and negative results. The precious lady performing the test was so kind and always asking if I was ok...I finally just blurted out that "This is nothing compared to the colonoscopies that I've been getting since I was 25!" She couldn't believe that I had so many already and I shared a little about my mother's health history being diagnosed at 28 years old with colon cancer and going to Glory at 42...and how I am now older than she was and how my perspective has changed so much in the past few years. I will never take my health for granted and am so grateful to God for bringing me thus far.

We had a chicken tragedy. Sadly, three of our baby chicks got eaten up...but we caught the culprit and gave him a new home far, far away!

Another week of ball games and another round in the playoffs successfully won!

These three have been playing together for years!!! Wyatt has played with Matthew {who will be playing center field at The Citadel} for 6 years and with Gray {who will play ball at Anderson University} over 10 years! It's fun to watch them enjoy this summer together before the all head their separate ways. They have been carpooling to the games and practices. Such a FUN time!

No surprise here, we've had lots more pool days! Usually for a few hours here but that's the benefit of having the pool in the backyard. It's always open!

These three helped me get some college dorm room shopping done at Costco after drum lessons on Wednesday. Things are starting to come together and we are down to just under 3 weeks before move in. It will most definitely be an adjustment without our biggest brother here but we are all so incredibly proud of him and know that God has great things in store!

Silly girls! They made a pool float stack and stood in it so proud that they were tall enough to!

Weekends are for grilling! Scott smoked ribs and sausage and it was divine!
On Sunday, our entire family got to sit together for early church service. AG drew this and I just adored it. I had to take a picture to remember forever. She has the purest heart and loves Jesus so much. Her childlike faith inspires me daily.

And somehow I got the privilege of walking Boss baby. He doesn't love a leash very much but did okay. He even looked up and kinda smiled for my picture.

This is how I really felt though!

Sunday snuggles and naps for all of us!

And Sunday afternoons on the porch!

And playing Monopoly, too!

What a week! Boss baby is out and we weren't far behind him. Another full, glorious week with the people that matter the most in our world! What a blessing!

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