Our tiny cuddler! This girl love to be loved and to give it! My bookends truly are the lovers around here! The both will find ways to cuddle!

Sweet Bo's face when the boys leave...he's so rotten!

Trying out the yellow watermelon that Mr. Ernie brought them...it's good!

Bub offered to slice it for us since I have a way of cutting myself with my new knives.

While the other 3 were at Mega Camp at church, this little doll & I went to the grocery store like in the old days. ha! Remember when you actually took your kids to the store?!? Well, we did it and she got a cookie with sprinkles and it was glorious!

Mega Camp! Bubba led worship, Bear in his last year before he can be a helper and Panda making me wonder where the time has gone! I never, never, never drop this girl off and go but with her Bubba there I felt like I could. Gracious, was I thankful he was there!

Molly's graduation party meant that we got to hang out with Great Grandmama Frances! 94 and still drives herself! She's amazing & sharp as a tack!

Scott with her long awaited grill! The amount of incredible goodness he's made on that thing makes me wish we had gotten it years ago!

At the bank & opening up his checking account! We are Dave Ramsey people and love our cash is king mentality but the kid had thousands of dollars just hanging out in the house so it was time!
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