Wednesday, March 05, 2014

{Shamain Island}

Serenity in the midst of the madness...a short drive {or a long walk yesterday} and we've found a tranquil little spot we'll be visiting much more often these next two days.  Today we did a little squeaky shoe shopping and enjoyed a coffee date...and attempted the traditional adopted child photo in which AG pitched a fit!  {Who had the brilliant idea to put an emotional time bomb in between two freaky looking kid statues for a photo in the first place??}  Yes, Shamain Island...we'll be back and enjoying much more of you while we can!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love reading about how Andie-Grace's personality is emerging! She and your boys are just so cute. Through your words, it is evident that your boys are gentle and generous in spirit just like their parents. I look forward each day to reading your latest post. I began reading your blog before your precious Annabelle was born. It is true testament to God's love for his children that he has brought you to China to receive your fourth blessing from him. God Bless all of you and the other families who have been lead to adopt God's children.

Jennifer Waldrop
Hartsville, S.C.