Monday, February 24, 2014

{My Chains are Gone...We've GOTCHA Andie-Grace!}

Amazing grace

How sweet the sound

 That saved a wretch like me

 I once was lost, but now I'm found

 Was blind, but now I see.

 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear

 And grace my fears relieved

 How precious did that grace appear

 The hour I first believed.

 My chains are gone

 I've been set free

 My God, my Savior has ransomed me


 And like a flood His mercy reigns

 Unending love, amazing grace!

Today was beautiful.  Andie-Grace came right into my arms without a peep.  I won her over with banana puffs immediately.  She turned to her orphanage director and went back to her once and then quickly turned back to me and flung herself into my arms.  She is absolutely tiny!  I'm guessing 15 pounds is pushing it for little Miss.  Right now, she is wearing a 9 month sleeper. 

Her orphanage director and the head of nannies that brought her were so happy for her.  They kept taking pictures over and over on their cell phones.  The head of nannies especially was taken with Luke and wanted lots of photos with him in them, too.  They brought us back the items that we had sent to her in the last few months and also gave us a small booklet with some photos of her in it from when she was much younger.  Priceless gift for sure! 

We asked about visiting her orphanage and they are happy for us to come.  We will be going there on Thursday.

Once we left the Civil Affairs office, she fell asleep in her Daddy's arms on the way back to the hotel and slept through most of the paperwork we had to fill out for the Official Adoption tomorrow.  She takes bottles mostly and very soft baby foods.  Her bottle is thickened with rice cereal.  Our guide was kind enough to come back to our room with us to show me exactly how to prepare her bottle for her.  We made an 8 ounce bottle and she took all but the last ounce!  I think she was also still a bit full from all the puffs we had just won her over with though!

After eating, she turned into a wiggle worm and decided to show off on her trying to walk.  She went back and forth between me and our guide for nearly 30 minutes...just loving every second!  The boys got her toys out for her and she was into everything!  Very curious little girl!

While everyone was playing on the floor, Scott ran to grab a pizza for us.  Andie-Grace went right into his arms again once he got back and dozed off in her Daddy's arms once again.  I just didn't have it in me to put her in the crib so she slept snuggled between Scott and I all night...well, for 8 hours at least!

Tuesday morning we will head back to the Civil Affairs office to officially adopt her.  After that is done, Andie-Grace will officially be ours!!!

We couldn't be more in love with her!  She's shown us lots of smiles, where her tickle spots are and handled lots of little faces right smack dab in front of hers quite well.  She is showing some early signs of hoarding with always wanting a toy in each hand...totally typical for attachment and bonding issues.  We are so thankful our agency has really prepared us well for these things! 

Developmentally, she is quite a ways behind.  She plays more like a 6 month old but has a curiosity that I know will help her catch up quickly.  We are so just thankful for the opportunity to love this precious girl!  It was completely evident from the moment we met face to face that God has prepared her heart for us and ours for her!

"I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.  He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God."  Psalm 40: 1-3


Anonymous said...

A beautiful beginning to your new lives with Aandie-Grace! So happy for your family. I have read your blog for years and this is great testament of faith in work.

Jennifer Waldrop

Anonymous said...

A beautiful beginning to your new lives with Aandie-Grace! So happy for your family. I have read your blog for years and this is great testament of faith in work.

Jennifer Waldrop

Laurie in SC said...

Beautiful new beginnings!!! She is so amazing and so is her family!! I'm so grateful to y'all for allowing us to be part of your story. God bless bless bless! ��������

Anonymous said...

A beautiful beginning to your new lives with Aandie-Grace! So happy for your family. I have read your blog for years and this is great testament of faith in work.

Jennifer Waldrop

Anonymous said...

She is precious beyond words. Your beautiful Angel Baby is surely looking over this. What a legacy you have created for her with the Baby Baskets. God Bless

Jessica said...

My heart is just filled with joy for y'all!!! What a beautiful story and a beautiful addition to your amazing family. :)

Love from Lousiana!

Unknown said...

Love this sweet sister!!! All to His glory. My tears are flowing. What a privilege to pray for y'all and watch God rescue AG!! Love you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Congratulations. She is adorable. I must admit that I've been stalking your blog for most of the day as I waited for this update. Very cool, nice pics as well.

Alexis said...

I have followed your blog for some time now and find myself with tears streaming down my face and goosebumps on my arms reading this post and seeing your photos. Congratulations on the arrival of your precious Andie-Grace...I am so happy for you.

Cammie said...

Oh, I have tears of joy! I have been stalking your blog all day waiting for this one! I am so happy for your family! It amazes me that the things you have written about/ prayed about are exactly what you write of here. How she loves to cuddle with you both and how you couldn't wait to see her smile! I am overjoyed for you! Oh, and the family picture with Luke lifting his little hand trying to touch his sisters feet...more tears of joy! Praise the Lord!

Unknown said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! Praising God with you from Florida tonight for His great faithfulness and redeeming love! Baby Sister is just precious and I love the family picture! So so so happy for your sweet family!

Debbie Sauer said...

She is adorable, congratulations.

groovy mama said...

Congrats congrats congrats!!!! So sorry i missed this. Sending hugs & prayers ur way! May the rest of trip be smooth:)
Please tell the SWI that shun TeYi days hello! U can show them our nlog if u want!

Hall Family said...

Love! Congratulations . . . enjoy this special time!
Alisa (Pei's Mom)

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! I am crying at yout experience and His grace! -kn