We began by lunching at our favorite...a spot we dined at often when we were in Charleston with Annabelle nearly two years ago and where we go on most of our trips back...California Dreaming! It was yummy as always!!!
Then, off to MUSC...the one, true purpose of our trip!
After we left MUSC, Scott added something new to our Southern Christmas Tradition...a trip to The Battery. We were videoed and interviewed by CNN at The Battery on Valentine's Day of 2008. It holds it's own special place in our hearts, too. Last year, we chose a picture of Wyatt (taken close to this same spot) wearing his Team Annabelle t-shirt from the Heart Walk as our Christmas card picture. It was special to bring Luke there today.
I love this picture of Wyatt looking into the Harbor...he and Scott always wear her bows on their hats.
In the distance you can see Fort Sumter...where the Civil War began. We'll stop there with the history lesson...we know how it ended anyways & us Southerners don't like to be reminded! :)
Daddy & Luke...
And just before we loaded back up to head home...Scott had the genius idea of having Wyatt run laps around all the large live oaks! He was entertained watching movies the entire way home and only asked once when we would be home! Trust me, we'll remember this for our next trip!
In the end...I'd like to share with you a thought that's stuck with me all day....running across so many situations on our journey today, I am reminded that although we may want things to be different this Christmas, they are the way they are supposed to be...because He planned it this way and because He knew, long before the first Christmas and before the beginning of time, that it was best. He loves us that much...
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
~Merry Christmas, friends~