Annabelle is finally getting some food! She is gradually working her way back up to full feeds...increasing each feed by 10ml. So far, she is at 40ml. Our goal is 70ml so by tomorrow morning she should be at full feeds. Scott and I have "worked" the g-tube today. It's really not that difficult and burping her is a cinch! She did very well with the pain and hasn't needed anything other than tylenol since middle of the night. She is quite a fighter! (I imagine this pain level is nothing compared to what she's already experienced though.)
We were told again this morning to plan on going home Monday or Tuesday (the latest). Oh, we are so ready to get home! Wyatt heard us talking about going home the other week and said "we are never going to get out of this place"! It was so funny. We were very glad to tell him today that in just a few days we will be home as a family. He's asked if we could all sleep together. I don't know about that one but I am sure we'll have lots of cuddle time amongst the 4 of us.
Today was a beautiful Saturday in Charleston. One of Scott's good friends, Hap, came to visit. My daddy was here for a few days again to help with Wyatt (huge blessing) and all of us had a nice lunch outside. It will be so wonderful when Annabelle can join us. It won't be long!
Annabelle is now up one pound and 1/2 an ounce since birth! She weighed 8 lb 4.5 oz this evening. She is so alert and thoroughly enjoys her hospital mobile. (I guess I will be making a trip to the store for one. I didn't even think to get her one since Wyatt rarely paid any attention to his.) Our hearts are so full and we are so blessed!
Enjoy the pictures of our Princess! Afterall, her Father is the King of Kings!
We love the pics of your beautiful little girl (and handsome boy, too!)! They are such blessings. We rejoice with you that you can start to make some plans to be HOME, what a wonderful word. We are continuing to keep you in our thoughts and prayers and look forward to seeing you at church again one day soon! Love, Laurie and Mike Epting, Brian, Haley and Colin
I remember hearing those precious words as well...going home soon! We thought it would never come! What a beautiful blessing. I'm thrilled that her G-tube surgery was successful and that she is up to full feeds. God is good!
Love, Kerri Pennington
What great news!!! We are so excited to know that you will be home soon!! I know it will feel so wonderful to be back and to show Annabelle her new home and beautiful bedroom that you have prepared for her. All the cousins are excited to meet her one day and they know that it will be a long while since she cannot have any germs! I have missed each of you and can't wait to talk to you. This blog has been amazing as it has touched so many other parents with the same situation. I have found myself checking it many times a day so that I can keep up with the any news. God is so wonderful and he has blessed you with a beautiful daughter and she will be fine through all of this!
Love, Laura
Morning Annabelle & family, So glad i can give this great report to my church here in Clinton, NC today that Annabelle & her family are going home!!! We will continue to pray for all of you as you go on to this new adventure..with Jesus right there giving each of you your needs for the day. Love & Prayers..
So beautiful! And such good news...She has made unbelievable progress considering what she has been through...even gaining weight! My heart is full of joy for all of you.
Love & prayer,
She is soooooo gorgeous! We are so excited that you will be coming home soon. We have been so blessed by your blog and keeping up with everything Annabelle has experienced. She is a little warrior and I can only imagine how she will be as a toddler!!! God DOES have such wonderful plans for her little life. Thanks for letting us be a part of it. I'm sure you have been keeping up with Shannon Stratford and her baby Teagan. Another miracle in our midst!! Love you and can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!!
Connie Gilliam
I am so glad things are going so well!! I hate that we may miss you at MUSC when we are there for Emerson's surgery, but I know how it is to want to be home!!! I need to know where you got those adorable headbands!! Emerson doesn't have enough hair for bows, we need some! You have such a great attitude and that will carry you along way when you get home! Our girls will have such a story to tell one day and I can't wait to see the plans that God has for them! You will remain in our prayers!!
Erica May
Yay! I'm so glad you guys are so close to coming home. I know you are so ready! I love the pictures you posted of your princess! She is beautiful and I just love the big hair bow and the bonnet she is wearing! Wyatt looks like he will take care of her just fine! :) We will be praying for a smooth transition home as a family of 4! Love you!
I've missed reading your blog over the weekend. I am so glad to hear you will be heading home today or tomorrow. I hope you're packing the car as I'm writing this!! :) Joe and I will be praying for you all as you make the trip home. Great pictures!!
Love, Kim :)
Wanted you to know how AMAZING your precious family is and how many people you are touching through this blog. People you don't even know are in awe of your strength and faith. One is a coworker of mine. :)
Annabelle is truly a princess and I continue to pray for her. She is GORGEOUS!
Congratulations on the recent homecoming of your beautiful little Annabelle! My husband Brent and I are expecting our first child- a son to be named Montgomery- just next month! He too has been diagnosed with HLHS and will undergo the Norwood procedure just after birth at MUSC. Your story is inspiring and gives us a lot of hope. We are so excited about his arrival and terrified all at the same time. I am so thankful to know that Annabelle is doing so well and that we have resources to connect with other families who share this same condition. I recently learned about Saving Little Hearts of SC and feel so blessed to have such a wonderful support system. Please do keep in touch if you have time! We will be praying for the fast and complete recovery of Annabelle and anxiously awaiting the arrival of Montgomery! We are all so blessed, and I am guilty of taking that for granted all too often. Take care and God Bless!
The Fentons
Brent and Sierra
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