Friday, February 29, 2008

Out of Surgery

Just a quick update...Annabelle did very well during her g-tube surgery this morning. She was taken back around 6am and the surgery began by 7. Scott and I were able to sit with her and hold her in the pre-op area until she went to the OR. The doctors told us that she did great during the procedure and came off the ventilator well. We were able to join her after surgery in the recovery area for about 30 minutes where I could hold her until we came back up to our room on the floor. She is coming in and out of sleep (morphine) and seems to be in a lot of pain when she does wake up. Our biggest hurdle today is pain managment and getting her to 6am tomorrow morning when she can begin feeds again. She had a rough early morning with a growling tummy by 3am so I know that is bothering her, too. Please pray that her binky will hold her over until then. Scott is going to work on posting more pictures tonight. Praise God for another successful surgery!


♥ Michele ♥ said...

I found your blog through another HLHS baby's blog. I am pregnant with a baby girl due March 20th with HLHS. Your story has been inspiring and your little girl is SOOOO cute!! I love all the different matching bows and outfits. Many prayers and luck to you.

The Chavis Family said...

When I was getting ready this morning I looked at the clock and saw 5:50. I immediately thought of your family. I've been praying for you guys all day! I'm so glad to hear things went well. Joe and I are praying TODAY and everyday!
Love, Kim :)

Anonymous said...

So wonderful to hear that Little One is back in her room. My prayer is for rest and comfort for both of you, Baby and Mom!

Treysmomma said...

Your daughter is precious. I am thankful that she is doing so well. A friend of mine goes to church with you and she had asked me to pray for you guys many months ago. My son had open heart surgery at 10 days old. He had a different defect, but we spent many days in Charleston. Dr. Graham was one of our favorits down there.
Take care and praise God!!
Ashley Anderson

Anonymous said...

Praise God that that precious princess came through another surgery with flying colors!! Isn't it amazing just how much their little bodies can endure! Every time I think about all Coop's been through, it truely blow's my mind!!
Please give her a heart hug from us, and we send an extra one for y'all and Wyatt!! And of course prayers always!

Betsey, Cooper, & Russell

Jessica said...

I've been praying for you all and Annabelle although I haven't been able to check the blog because its blocked by the hospital here. :( I'm at starbucks now and was so glad to read that Annabelle is doing well!! We'll keep praying!

Anonymous said...

The McIntyre's wish you guys well. We're thinking about Annabelle every day and pray that you return home soon.

Lindsay Dean said...

My name is Suzie. My husband, JR, and I found out about a month ago that our daughter has HLHS. I just want to tell you that you have an amazing support system and we are sending out our prayers as well. I am due mid-June and will be delivering at the University of Michigan. Like you, we are in very good hands and anticipate that everything will go great for Lindsay as they have for Annabelle considering the circumstances. I also wanted to extend a big "thank you" to you for posting updates as you have. You really can't imagine how much this has helped me try and prepare for the upcoming events. We are praying everyday that Lindsay will be as strong willed as Annabelle and that maybe (you never know) someday be penpals with something very unique in common. Oh, and happy homecoming! Give her hugs for us.
The Dean Family
Jr, Suzie, Cole, Cruz, and soon Lindsay!

The Estridge 5+ said...

Hang in there guys and we'll continue to pray for you...our kids never forget to "bless baby Annabelle" every night!

marty said...

Great news!! I hope by now she is able to eat. We all know how terrible it is not to be able to eat. Thank God it will be over soon for Annabelle. Love & Prayers

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that things went well. You are loved and prayed for in Spartanburg!
Linda Green

Anonymous said...

Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

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