Tuesday, September 07, 2021

{Starlit Sweetheart}

She stares at me with stars in her eyes. Completely unaware of the chaos surrounding the world at this very moment. She sings and dances her way through our home and fears absolutely nothing. Childlike faith in its most pure and glorious form.
She wasn’t always this way.
She came to me completely broken and afraid and, in a moment’s notice, something we both are completely unaware of can trigger trauma that is too deep for words.
But, safe in her home…surrounded by her family…she surrenders her soul.
I grab my camera and try to capture just a glimpse of it.
It’s what I see that’s missing from those that grace my newsfeed stuck and suffering…and that rip my heart apart and bring me to my knees in moans only the Holy Spirit knows.
It’s the joy and light that have been restored and prove that Jesus is always in the miracle making business.
It’s what reminds me that loving God and the people that He’s formed in His image are all that will ever matter in this world.
It’s what makes me long even more for His Kingdom to come. ✨
“We either live in that Kingdom, or we live in the world; we either take our cues from the Bible or from the media; we set our goals according to what is going to matter forever or according to the quotation of the day.” Elisabeth Elliot

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