A glance into our journey to China beginning early Thursday morning {Carolina time} and arriving around 5:30 this Saturday morning in Guangzhou. This is how we roll...drawing faces of everyone in our family...surviving a 10 hour layover in LA by doing just about anything necessary to pass the time and keep us sane {well sortof}...including taking Luke into the ladies bathroom on more than one occasion to practice his karate moves...passing out just minutes before a very late flight...and then, thank God, safely arriving and seeing in person the sign to the hotel you've heard about for over a year. The boys are resting a little now and I'm taking in every tiny little detail of our schedule for the next two weeks...beginning with Andie-Grace's Gotcha Day! She'll be in our arms sometime around 2pm China time on Monday! {Late Sunday night for y'all back home!} God taught me so much in this long travel journey here that I'm still trying to wrap my mind around. He's placing it all together...piece by piece...thank you for joining us in His story.

Oh, Rebecca and Scott...thank you so much for sharing your journey...your LIFE, for that matter...with us for many years now. Bill and I feel so honored to be a part of your huge extended family and prayer warriors. Reading about your travel day and seeing pictures makes it feel like we are really are with you. There isn't time or room for me to tell you all the emotions we are having for you...but I think you already know. I just wanted to say, before I go to bed, that we have thought of you and prayed for you all day and were so thrilled to see the post and pictures. God is with you and will get you through the joy and the varied emotions of the next couple of weeks; I promise we will too!
In love and prayer,
Love it friend! AG only one more whole day! Praying for you as you hopefully can sleep a little and for the boys hearts & AG hear to be open. Love y'all!!!
Love, love "traveling" with you even as Mary Anne and I are in the Caribbean this week. I am praying constantly and love hearing your evidences of God's mighty hand at work. ❤️
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