Friday, June 19, 2009

Thank You Riverland Hills Baptist Church VBS!!!

We just finished an amazing week of Vacation Bible School with a whopping 850+ children and more than 400 workers! I enjoyed being Wyatt's group leader and had two wonderful youth to help me. Each year, along with crafts, music, bible stories and recreation, the VBS directors choose a missions project to support. This year the children made items to be sent to Romania and collected items for the Annabelle Baskets! The older children (grades 1-5) also made fleece baby blankets to go into the baskets. Scott and I were speechless when we saw the items all given to support a ministry that has been totally God-ordained. It took close to an hour to load everything up (with the help of the missions director, Rebecca Berry, my dad, Scott and Wyatt) and at least an hour to unload it all at home this afternoon. As Scott and I were going through everything, we said "who could have possibily imagined all of this?"...only to very quickly answer ourselves..."God did." I am constantly left in awe!
Just see for yourselves a bit of what God can do!
Keep in mind these pictures show about half of it...just what we could fit into the pictures. The walls are stacked with fleece blankets!
Thank you RHBC VBS!!!!


Lindsay Dean said...

God is so good! And so is Annabelle. ;-)
Love you friend!

Anonymous said...

God IS good and so are YOU!
Annabelle has touched so many lives and hearts. God bless you, Scott, Wyatt, and baby Luke, for all you do. The babies at the PCICU and 7C are lucky to have you!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Jan Tompkins

The Simmons Family said...

Oh my goodness.. I am speechless. What a great God we serve!! I'm sure little Miss Annabelle has a hand in it too :).


Jess said...

That is so AWESOME! God has chosen wonderful people in His mission!

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

Simply amazing! Looks like you might need to hire some staff to start putting baskets together! I bet Wyatt would work for a fairly decent wage :) What God is doing through your hands and this ministry in Annabelle's name is just quite simply, amazing!

Jonathan said...

Wow!! That is awesome Rebecca. God is good. Annabelle is going to keep touching lives.

Hope you are feeling good these days.


The Chavis Family said...

I am so glad VBS could be involved in this way!! Home AWESOME!! I love seeing the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for your phone call today. :)

iru said...

lovely and cute. thats great work being done. this is such a cute blog, specially the header pic=)

Miller Family said...

WOW! How awesome!

We just finished VBS last week and we had 34 kids and 15 helpers. I could only imagine 850 kids. What a wonderful ministry!!