We had a great turnout Saturday night for the Annabelle Baskets Bash! We raised an impressive amount of funds & collected boo-koos of donations for the baskets to continue blessing little hearts! A HUGE Thank You to everyone who came and supported this amazing ministry!
Whew! This thing makes me dizzy just watching them go around!
Emma K. in the jump house!
Reagan posing for the camera! This little girl is AMAZING! (Born with HLHS & Transplant at 8 months! She just turned 4!!!)
Me, Izzy & Mandy
Emma B. rocking the gator!
Wyatt & JC coming down the huge slide!
Diana (Grandma), James & Kim relaxing while Davin plays! (Their little girl, Isabella, & Annabelle were busy having their own princess party while their big brothers were partying at Monkey Business!)
Evie...Annabelle's 1st friend! They were 2 beds apart in PCICU. I adore this little girl!!!
Lots of goodies for the Annabelle Baskets!

More goodies...
Susan (the precious lady who made the newborn caps several months ago) presented us with 100 more!!! They are so soft & perfect for the babies!
I am completely humbled that the Lord has laid this ministry on our hearts and that it has continued to be so richly blessed by your support. When we began just weeks after losing Annabelle, we had no inkling of just what God was about to do...we just knew it was right and that He had given it to us for some reason. So, we began in our grief and trusted Him. I still don't understand it completely and am at peace with not knowing it all (at least this side of Heaven) but what I do know with complete certainty that there are lives being touched and hearts are being blessed in the midst of what is most likely to be the most terrifying and frightening time in these families' lives. God's love is being spread!!! Thank you for allowing me to serve through you and your generosity!
AMAZING!! I am totally amazed at the wonderful ministry Annabelle baskets is!! I'm sure Annabelle is up there smiling down on you and all the people that come together to make the ministry happen.
Thinking of you always!
I know I haven't been commenting much, but I've been checking in on y'all all the time! You are doing such an awesome job with the Annabelle baskets. God selected a wonderful family to be his messengers to all those South Carolina heart families. Y'all are in my prayers. :)
So neat Rebecca!! We are FINALLY going to Boston on Wed to do our first delivery. I am so excited to get there. Like you I want to share Jesus with them and let them know that we have been praying. The little hats are so cute.
Love to you,
This is probably my 5th time visiting your blog. I have a baby who was born with HLHS last August. Her name is Emma Kate and she is doing well now. I just wanted to let you know that I am always touched when I read your blog. I know your faith has held you through all of what you have been through in the past year. It is very inspiring and I absolutely love the ministry and the legacy of Annabelle. I have always thought it would be neat to reach other families with heart babies in some way to show them Christ's love. I am so encouraged to hear that you are being obedient to His call and to see what He is doing. Heart families are so special to me, so I plan to stay in touch. Please feel free to visit us, too.
HOLY COW! What a great turnout and fabulous donations! What blessings! Man, I just hate we couldn't have been there. I still have a bag of goodies for you, but I see that you are set at least for a little while! I'll get them to you this summer!
I am completely overwhelmed by what people have done for the Annabelle Basket ministry. I sit here just in tears over what a little girl in heaven can do to bring people together! You would have never predicted the success of a simple gesture of kindness. I just love you all and I can't wait to wrap my arms around you!!! So extremely jealous that I couldn't have been a part of this event!
Love you tons!
Hey Rebecca! I am so excited for you! The pictures are wonderful, and all of the goodies for the Annabelle baskets are just precious. You look great, by the way! Luke is growing :)
I am continually amazed at what My God can do. I know that God's plan is greater than our's. Angel Annabelle and Hudson "Warrior" were sent to earth for a small amount of time but they have touched so many lives. I will never forget how secure I felt when Addison recieved a basket in PCICU-it was God saying, "Peace be still." This is a great ministry and I am so glad that you do it. Thanks for the inspiration.
Wow, wow, wow! I'm amazed and inspired all over again as I look at the images of the basket supplies AND as I look at the images of you connecting with other "heart" families! What an amazing example you are, Rebecca! I'm so glad this event was such an overwhelming success for the Annabelle Basket ministry! And "Monkey Business" looks like a LOT of fun :) Lots of love to you as you continue spreading God's love! ~ Danielle
Congrats on such a successful Annabelle's Basket turn out. If we lived near, you know we would have been there. We were thinking of you. You look so beautiful! I am just so happy you have such wonderful heart friends to lean on. Keep up the great work and ministry you are doing. God is so Good!
I didn't even pay attention yesterday when I checked the blog, but I did today - LOVE your cute little pregnant tummy! You look great!
It's just so amazing all that God has done through you for this/His ministry! I'm so glad the party was a success! You know I wish we could have been there!
Happy Mother's Day, Rebecca.
I'm so glad the Annabelle Basket Bash was such a hit! We were receiving our Annabelle Basket right around the time of the Bash. When I saw the nurse bring it over, I couldn't hold back the tears. Looking at Annabelle's sweet face gave me a sense of comfort, that she would be looking down on our little Derrick as he underwent his surgery. God knew what he was doing when he chose you to carry out Annabelle's legacy and to bring comfort to so many others. You have such an amazing ministry. Thank you so much!!
Shannon Carter
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