The first sermon from the service that we attended a few weeks ago was about God blessing each of us, specifically the graduates on this day, with a burden. Dr. Carney emphasized at how having a burden gives you a purpose. Scott and I spoke about the sermon that afternoon knowing that God has given us a burden for these precious heart babies and their families. Our purpose is, to carry on in our daughter's name, the Annabelle Baskets...bringing hope, joy and sunshine to a very difficult situation.
We all know that God doesn't do anything by accident. The sermon that we heard this past Sunday spoke to us even further. It was about being "pointer outers"...pointing others to Christ and allowing Him to work in their lives. As we were sitting in church, I realized just how BIG God has been through the Annabelle Basket ministry. I put a brief paragraph on the back of the card that is enclosed in every basket just letting the families know that it is our prayer that the basket will bless their life as Annabelle has blessed us. I mention in the card that the baskets are made possible by generous contributions by family and friends to continue God's plan for Annabelle's life and legacy. What I failed to realize at the time is that those simple words carry so much weight in pointing others to Christ when watching your own child face open heart surgery and the extremely critical recovery time. We were fortunate to have that hope going into Annabelle's surgeries and knew, regardless of the outcome, that our loving and merciful God will take care of all of us. Many do not have that hope and search intensely for something or someone to help them as they all know that the situation is much bigger than they are. Please pray specifically that far beyond the smiles and temporary joy that the baskets bring to the heart families that Christ will be pointed out to them in their desperation and they will find hope and eternal joy in the only true Joy Giver.
I have posted some fun pictures...a very special Saturday for some fellow Heart Moms a few weeks ago (Shirley (Angel Kierra's mom), Erica (Emerson's mom), Me & Kerri (Mary Clare's mom)). All of us have baby girls born with HLHS. We have communicated for so long but I've never met any of them in person until that was priceless and such a blessing!
The other three pictures are of a Boy Baskets, Wyatt delivering some baskets at MUSC (he was right at home when we went back for that delivery trip & the staff still adore him), & a picture of the first boy basket delivery to Harper and his mom, Michelle. Harper had a VSD repair at 5 months of age. Isn't he a cutie?!?!
I received a call from one of Annabelle's nurses letting me know that they are just about out of boy baskets (down to one left as of last week). So, I put together a few over the weekend to give her tomorrow. So far we have delivered 17 the first visit, 21 the second visit and 20 more tomorrow!!! God is so good!!! It is evident that His hand is upon this ministry and everyone's lives who have been a part of it.
your basket was a tremendous blessing to us while we were at MUSC and we would like to donate some items. please let us know what you need and we will get it to you. i would also like to get together with you sometime since we live in the same town :O) please email me at and let me know what you need. thanks.
Jessica, John and Lorelei
Hey, Rebecca, Scott and Wyatt! I means to much to read the update on how you're doing and what God is doing through the Annabelle baskets. I am sending some little boy baby socks your way soon, hope they will help! We hope to see you very soon at church. Please know we continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Love, The Eptings
Rebecca and Scott,
I am so glad you all made it to church on Sunday. Can't wait to have you back in Sunday School. I pray for strength for you all as you get back into the swing of things. I have some bears to give to you!
I love the picture of the little boy receiving his basket! Just made me cry! This a wonderful ministry to spread to God words to others.
I LOVE the baskets and I LOVE the message you put on the cards! You are an inspiration to many!
Hi! I found your blog via another HLHS babies' blog. My name is Bernie Haberman. Our angel, Luke, was born with HLHS on March 12th. We didn't know about his condition until about 2 hours after birth. Luke was a little fighter and sailed through the Norwood and his recovery. Our sweet angel passed away unexpectedly on April 18th. We miss him everyday, but feel confident that God neded his angel back with Him. I truly believe that God sends us true angels and that we are able to experience God's pure love through these sweet babies. What you are doing with the Annabelle baskets is amazing--keep up the great work! God bless you and your sweet family. Please visit our blog at to read our angel's story. God bless!
Bernie Haberman
I love the new picture on your blog! Hope you had a great birthday yesterday!!!
Take care and see you soon,
Johanna :)
You are amazing and doing such amazing things!
I cried as I read your post. I am humbled at your strength and the way you bless other's lives in Annabelle's name. I will send the bows tomorrow. I still have not gotten my hands on the headbands, but when I do, I will send those too!
Heart hugs,
Dear Scott & Rebecca,
My son RJ is at MUSC in the PCICU battling hlhs and truncus arterosis. We received a beautiful basket from your little angel. Your story touched my heart so I had to read more on Annabelle. I just want to let you guys know that my heart goes out to you and your faith is what will carry to the day that you hold Annabelle again.So please let us know how we can help teach other families. With your basket you give us hope for the positive outcomes and resurrance in the eyes of loss that we all will be together again. Thanks again. Stacey Stokes
Hi Rebecca, Scott and Wyatt! I still think of you often and continue to remember you in my prayers. I have wanted to call you to ask how you are, but the one time I was on the phone with you for a different reason, I could not find the words. Annabelle is forever a part of my heart. I know you are doing a wonderful ministry with the baskets. You are touching so many lives when they need it most. I've been so amazed with your strength and faith. We had a sermon at church awhile back that made me think of you Rebecca. I had to choke back the tears. It was about praising God in the eye of the storm. You knew you were facing a long road, and you have remained faithful. I am touched by your story of the butterflies. Everytime I see a butterfly I think of your family. So many Sundays while walking the front walk into church butterflies are fluttering around. It is amazing to see God's work in each living creature!
I know you will struggle with your loss of Annabelle for a long time to come. I pray that God will help you find comfort and peace within your heart to allow you to continue to go on day by day.
Next time you are in the office, please ask to see if I am there that day. I would love to see you again and give you a warm hug and speak to you in person. God bless you and your family!!
Staci Klotz, RN
(Palmetto Pediatric)
hello, i was wondering if you could post a close-up picture of one of your girl's baskets, similar to the one of the boys. i am putting together a scrapbook for a friend that recently received one of your baskets, and i wanted to insert something about what they are, what they represent and how they came to be. i thought that a picture of a basket would be a nice touch for the book.
your families story really has touched the life of my friend, and through her, a lot of us friends and family. i am very sorry for the loss that your family has experienced. your strength and courage is evident in your ability to share the experience with others and in the ways that you choose to honor your precious annabelle.
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