Monday, December 24, 2007

A Few Words from a Father

Thank you, Lord, for your Son and the salvation that you so loving give to all who believe in and love Jesus, Our Savior. Thank you for my wife, son, and our daughter that is on the way. Thank you for our family and friends that are praying for us, caring for us and supporting us now as we prepare for Annabelle’s birth.

I want to attempt to describe the feelings that I experience as a Father when prayers are given to the Lord to ask for healing of our daughter’s heart, strength for us as parents and comfort for all who love her already…remember that the words that I come up with never compare to the actual feelings themselves. The best that I can come up with is that it feels like two giant and warm arms with powerful yet gentle hands grabbing you by the shoulders when you want to cower from the situation and they hold you up when your strength is gone. Knowing that His arms are around us and His hands are holding us up to face life’s trials is the most wonderful feeling to be blessed with and it is given to us feely by our loving God. All of the prayers that have been sent to the Lord on behalf of our family are very humbling and it has shown me a love that is present in His kingdom and with His family of believers that is more than I have ever experienced before. Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with this situation. Thank you for all who are praying for us. Thank you for letting us experience your love. As I was telling a friend the other day, we are going to have one great story to tell of God’s love, strength and healing one day.

It is our prayer as a family that your lives will be blessed and that your rewards in Heaven will be overflowing as a result of your care for others here on earth. Thank you all and God bless you.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas! We continue to pray for you all and Annabelle. I can hardly wait to see some pics of Annabelle!