Monday, August 22, 2016


And somehow He saw it fit to allow me to sit here and care for her and be the one she calls mama and rolls towards for assurance that it's all going to be okay.  This, my friends, is redeeming, glorious, holy ground.

Another day with more evidence that God changed things up a bit when it came to her.

Lots to digest but know that it is no coincidence that The Lord put us here for this one.  Her surgeon ran into an unexpected venous lake of vessels which meant that he had to one by one go through each to even access her brain.

So, she bled more than he would've liked and has a bag of blood going now to help her out.

We are watching her extra carefully tonight and tomorrow and praying that the Great Physician heals her quickly.

She's stirring a bit and rolling towards mama...and will settle back down once she hears my voice.

Prayer requested specifically for her to not bleed, no leaks, minimal stiffness in her neck, nausea to be kept under control and rest!

Oh mountain moving God, You have parted the waters to bring her here...may Your hand be mightily at work as healing begins.

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